
Call for Student-led project submission on Decentralized Blockchain Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT)

Embark on a riveting journey into the heart of blockchain innovation with NUS FinTech Lab’s Student-led Projects initiative. This isn’t just a call to action—it’s your personal invitation to carve a niche in the realm of Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT). 

Here’s your chance to helm pioneering ventures into pre-commercialization, crafting decentralized solutions that echo through the industry. Surrounded by a cadre of eager, like-minded visionaries, you’ll not just witness, but architect the future of blockchain. Your runway to making a tangible imprint in the blockchain sphere starts now.

Selected applicants are expected to provide weekly project updates through tangible outcomes such as coding progress, prototypes, project presentations and reports.

Project Span: January 2024 – July 2024 (Extension possible based on aperformance review)

Engagement Type:

a. Part-time (up to 16 hours/week) during academic semesters or

b. Full-time (up to 40 hours/week) during summer break

Remuneration: Monthly stipend ranging from S$1K to S$1.5K, commensurate with successful deliverables.

Project Details:

Pre-commercialization activities: 

Aim: To support pre-commercialisation activities related to the development and commercialisation of innovative blockchain-related technologies and solutions. 

Scope: The program covers activities such as product development, market research, prototyping, and testing. 

The program aims to foster innovation and collaboration within the blockchain ecosystem, ultimately contributing to the growth and advancement of the broader blockchain ecosystem in these areas:

  • Research & development on decentralised content delivery  in 
    1. Banking and finance and Decentralized Finance (DeFi)
    2. Supply Chain
  • Research and development furthering the design, role and adoption of blockchain standards creating reference implementations for:
    1. Supply chain
    2. defi

Some sample projects, but by no means restricted to these.

  1. Supply chain tracking: Develop a blockchain-based supply chain tracking solution that enhances transparency and traceability in supply chains.
  2. Decentralised finance: Develop a decentralized finance (DeFi) application that provides innovative financial services using blockchain technology.
  3. Smart contracts: Develop a smart contract solution that enables secure and automated execution of contract terms and conditions using blockchain technology.


  1. Design, develop, and implement blockchain solutions and applications.
  2. Familiarize oneself with blockchain development tools, libraries, and platforms such as Truffle, Web3.js, Remix, or similar tools.
  3. Work on decentralized application (DApp) development, contributing to the user interface and back-end logic
  4. Develop features that enhance the user experience and ensure that the design is optimized for all platforms.
  5. Involve in design thinking and developing the Human Centre Design prototype/ MVP
  6. Implement robust security measures to protect against vulnerabilities and cyber threats.
  7. Perform unit testing, debug and deploy the application.
  8. Create and maintain comprehensive documentation for DLT solutions, including architecture, code, and best practices.
  9. Optimize solutions for speed and resource efficiency.


  1. A basic understanding of blockchain technology, its underlying concepts, and its role in decentralized applications (DApps) and smart contracts.
  2. Familiarity with the principles of smart contract development and the ability to write, deploy, and test simple smart contracts.
  3. Basic knowledge of development tools like Truffle, Remix, or Hardhat for smart contract development.
  4. Hands-on experience with any of the programming languages like C++, C#, Java, Ruby, Solidity, PHP and Python.
  5. Familiar with HTML, CSS, jQuery, and JavaScript.
  6. Good problem-solving and analytical skills
  7. Excellent reporting and documentation are highly desirable.
  8. Able to collaborate and work independently, receptive to feedback

Recommended Tech Stacks: 

This serves as an illustrative tech stack, but it’s open to modification if you believe there are more suitable alternatives.

Tech stack: React.js, Node.js, Rust, PostgreSQL, Solidity, Metamask

Blockchain Technology: Hedera Technology, XRP EVM

Expected Milestones (M) and Deliverables (D)

Milestones (M) for Student-led Projects:

M1 – To complete application prototypes, inclusive of testing and development application prototypes, inclusive of testing and development

M2 – Final testing and completion

M3  – Presentation of completed projects, project documentation and reporting

Deliverables (D) – Student-led Projects: 

D1 – functional prototypes (Mid-point check on Mid Mar 2024 and final prototypes by End-June 2024)

D2 – Project presentations & Demo of working functioning prototypes (Mid Mar 2024 and End-June 2024)

D3 – Detailed project report for each successful proof-of-concept project, inclusive of implications for industry and wider application (Mid Jul 2024)

To start and as part of our evaluation criteria, you are kindly required to send us the following documents : 

  1. Latest project portfolio as a way to demonstrate your capabilities and skills 
  2. Submission of 1-2 of your proposed projects under the areas mentioned in “Scope”

To include the following in your proposed projects write up <in A4 size of 1.5 to 2 pages long>

Problem Statement

  1. Current Industry Pain Points
  2. Proposed features and solutions to solve/alleviate pain points as described in point 2.
  3. Proposed milestones activities, deliverables and timelines
  4. Unique Value Propositions 
  5. Potential benefits /impact to industry

Embark on a voyage of technological exploration, contribute to real-world blockchain applications, and position yourself at the forefront of fintech innovation. 

With the NUS FinTech Lab as your springboard, redefine the contours of what’s possible in the blockchain arena. 

This journey is not for the faint of heart but for the ambitious, the skilled, and the visionary. Are you up for the challenge? Submit your application here and we’ll contact you if you’re shortlisted.


InsuraSec, a blockchain-based insurance platform dedicated to delivering a safer and more inclusive future in insurance for everyone.

The need for such a platform emerged owing to data breaches that arise from data centralisation, non-streamline workflows and long insurance processes.

As a B2B service our software is aimed at three stakeholders, the client, insurance agents and insurance companies. Our platform’s purpose is to create more robust signing methods, streamline workflows and improve security.

Through our platform companies can create policy templates that are used by agents to create digitally signed quotations using an Ethereum web provider. Clients can then choose to sign and accept or reject the quotation. If they accept it, it is sent to an underwriter for approval and sent to live on decentralized storage. A similar process is used for claim submissions.



Problem statement: 

How should education institutions maximise the engagement of event-goers with these information  points, and at the same time, educate the public about the diverse  use-cases of NFTs in a practical, hands-on way. 

Possible Solutions:

Presenting ScaNUS! We chose to use a learn-to-earn strategy  where users can mint their own NFTs based on the level of  interaction within the event. 

The more NFTs a user mints by  interacting with showcases and information at the events such as class attendance, performance on quizzes, ranking in module contest, course completion, dean’s list certification or vacation project completion.


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