
Listed here are few of the projects developed at NUS Fintech Lab in collaboration with our industry partners and FinTech Society students. Please Click on Read more to find out more about the project.

Call for Student-led project submission on Decentralized Blockchain Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT)

Embark on a riveting journey into the heart of blockchain innovation with NUS FinTech Lab’s Student-led Projects initiative. This isn’t just a call to action—it’s …

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InsuraSec, a blockchain-based insurance platform dedicated to delivering a safer and more inclusive future in insurance for everyone. The need for such a platform emerged …

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Problem statement:  How should education institutions maximise the engagement of event-goers with these information  points, and at the same time, educate the public about the …

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NUSwap is an educational platform that allows everyone to learn crypto trading in a safe and smooth environment. Our platform provides a play to learn …

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