Ripple Crypto Strategies for Business Leaders – 24 Feb 

Our Director, Prof. Jungpil has been invited to speak in the upcoming event – Crypto Strategies for Business Leaders in partnership with Ripple and NUS SCALE.

Details of the events:

Date: Friday Feb 24th

Time: 11:15 – 12:00 (30-45min discussion followed by Q&A with participants)

Topic: Enterprise crypto solutions


1. Prof.Jungpil, Hahn Lab Director, NUS 

2. Jane Pukasemvarangkoon, Partner Success Director, Ripple

3. Yogesh Sangle, Global Head of Consumer Business, Nium (Ripple customer)

Moderator: Phil Woods (NUS ACE Fellow)

Brief Introduction on Crypto Strategies for Business Leaders:


88% of senior executives think that blockchain technology will eventually achieve mainstream

adoption, however only 39% of those executives said that they have adopted blockchain

technologies in their organizations (Deloitte, 2020 Global Blockchain Survey: From promise to


Goal of the programme:

To provide participants with an immersive, “back to school” experience where they can learn from the world’s leading educators, researchers, regulators, etc. about how and why they should be implementing a blockchain strategy at their organization.

Target Audiences:


1. Banks, neobanks, payments companies, fintech companies, PSPs, etc.

2. Enterprises, especially multinational companies and global disruptors such as PayPal, Facebook, Shopify, AirBnB, FiServ, FIS, Adyen, Uber and global brands who are considering a ‘crypto strategy’ and need a trusted partner

Secondary: Traditional Financial Service ‘crypto laggards’

1. Legacy banks, late adopting FIs

Note that the participants will have varying degrees of knowledge and understanding of

blockchain technology.

Key Objective

Participants who completed the program would have the knowledge to implement a blockchain

strategy at their company.

● Awareness-building opportunities for Ripple as a trusted partner

● Networking and bonding opportunities for the participants as part of the program

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