e-Speed Interview for Graduating NUS FinTech SG Trainees

In September 2021, some of our NUS FinTech SG (SGUS) and NUS FinTech SG graduates gathered virtually for the very first e-Speed Interview event, organised by NUS STMI, NUS FinTech Lab, NUS CFG, and NUS SCALE.

The e-Speed Interview allows our graduates to virtually meet and connect with employers of their choice and to explore roles that suit their interests. The interviewees have to try their best to leave a good first impression on the recruiters to get into further rounds of interviews and ultimately, landing the job.

Process Flow of e-Speed Interview

Jobs/Roles Graduates are Trained For

Benefits of Joining the e-Speed Interview

  • To meet and connect with employers of your choice
  • To learn what success looks like in each company
  • To explore if there are any other roles/openings that suit your interests

We strongly encourage all of you to network with your peers, instructors and business leaders.

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