NUS FinTech Lab

Welcome to the NUS FinTech Lab, a dynamic space that is dedicated to advancing thought leadership, innovation and education in the financial technology domain. Our lab sits at the intersection of academia, industry, government and community where our mission is to be the centre of Fintech thought leadership, innovation and education in Asia Pacific with a global perspective. Our vision is to transform our daily lives, safely, through fintech.

Founded in 2019 through a generous gift from Ripple, our lab aims to create a collaborative environment that encourages dialogue, experimentation and creativity. We are committed to generating new ideas that can help solve Fintech’s most complex and pressing challenges, ranging from ensuring fair algorithmic governance to promoting financial inclusion and improving access to financial services, from enhancing security and data privacy to reducing fraud, from creating trustworthy digital identity infrastructures to understanding teh future of work and life.

NUS FinTech Lab is a hub for interdisciplinary dialogue, research and education. We leverage the expertise of our faculty members in computer science, information systems and analytics at NUS School of Computing to engage with industry leaders, regulators, and start-ups to not only stay ahead of the latest developments in fintech but also to influence the trajectory of new developments for a responsible and safe fintech.

We believe in the power of education and the role it plays in shaping the future of the financial industry. Our lab is committed to developing the next generation of fintech leaders by providing hands-on learning experiences and exposure to the latest industry trends and innovations.

Thank you for your interest in NUS FinTech Lab! We invite you to join us in our mission to be the center of FinTech thought leadership, innovation, and education.

Our 3-Dimensional Approach

Our goal is to convene industry players, policy makers, regulators and academia to facilitate conversations on Fintech’s most challenging problems such as algorithmic governance, carbon climate, cryptoassets, consensus, cybersecurity, data privacy, digital innovation ecosystems, digital identity, financial inclusion, the future of work, the metaverse, trusted systems, and many more.

Forum for dialogue include our Coffee Chat Series, NUS FinTech Lab Podcasts, and the Industry Round Table discussion events.

Our goal is to develop and create elegant Fintech solutions with emerging technologies.

  • Deep tech innovation – NUS School of Computing professors and PhD students develop technologies and solutions to solve core Fintech problems.
  • Digital Transformation – Postgraduate and Undergraduate students at NUS SOC solve industry’s pressing problems through capstone projects
  • Use case innovations – NUS Fintech Society student ideate innovative solutions through projects and hackathons

Our goal is to equip the leaders of tomorrow’s technology with future-ready skill sets. We seek to solve current Fintech skills/manpower shortage by supporting our undergraduate and postgraduate degree programs and specializations (e.g., undergraduate specialization in Financial Technology and Financial Analytics, MSc. in Digital Fintech), by offering reskilling and upskilling programs (e.g., NUS Fintech SG program for non-STEM students, SG United Fintech program).We also seek to cultivate strategic thinking for a new digital economy via executive programs, focusing on Fintech innovations.

Our Achievements

Since our inception in 2019, we have showcased financial literacy to over 1M people in partnership with MAS under the SFF Talent Pavilion, upskilled more than 50,000 people in the field of FinTech through various programs including teh SG United FinTech program and the NUS SG FinTech program. We forged with over 60 industry partners who work with us on our thought leadership, innovation and education initiatives.


People reached for financial literacy


People upskilled in the field of FinTech


Corporate collaborations

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