" The Now and Later of E-Commerce: A Deep Dive into BNPL"
In this episode, we dive into the revolutionary world of “Buy Now, Pay Later” (BNPL) – a financial phenomenon that has transformed the way we shop and pay. Join us as we unravel the complexities, explore the impact on consumer behavior, and navigate the nuances of this increasingly prevalent trend in the finance and e-commerce realms.
Speakers for the Podcast

Junghyun Maeng

Prof.Jungpil Hahn
Leading this session is Professor Jungpil, the director of the NUS FinTech Lab. Our featured speaker is Maeng Junghyun, a Ph.D. student from the NUS School of Computing. Junghyun’s research delves into the realm of consumer behavior in e-commerce, specifically focused on the intriguing question, “Should I Buy Now, Pay Later?”
This episodes embarks on an exploration of the world of Buy Now, Pay Later, guided by Junghyun’s empirical study.